So you're here to find out more info about our girls Skateboarding Club, right?

Well Chicks On Wheels is not just a clothing Brand from little old Adelaide. We are also 100% passionate about empowering girls through the love of skateboarding! Since 2020 we have been hosting weekly skateboarding nights, where girls of any age can come and learn to skate in a fun and supportive environment. And incase you were wondering - no, we NEVER exclude the boys. We have a few younger brothers who have attended our sessions too, and have all walked away having learnt something new.

It takes GUTS to even get on a skateboard! It looks tricky at first, but with lots of practice anyone can learn to ride a skateboard - no matter how old you are! And yes, there will be falls - and that's all part of learning one of the RADDEST, most dangerous sports there is. But the thrill and adrenaline of learning something that a lot of people can't what hypes us up to get back up and keep trying! 
The majority of the parents of our participants don't know a thing about skateboarding - and that's totally OK! Don't let that scare you from encouraging your daughter from giving it a go.

"Our Skate Club is about inclusiveness, and encouraging girls of all ages and abilities to come and have fun!" 
Chicks On Wheels is incredibly blessed to be a part of the RAD bunch of local businesses that are working hard to improve the Adelaide skateboarding scene.....
And we feel there is finally a need for an official Girls Skate Club in Adelaide, which is super exciting!
The main feedback that we get from Parents, is that their daughter is excited to skateboard...but is shy and/or feels intimidated to go to a skatepark by themselves. Or, that after they've invested in skate coaching lessons and now their daughter is KEEN AS to go out and practice what she's learnt...but she has noone to hang and skate with.

And that's why we've created our CHOWFAM Skate Club! 

Now, for our very 'beginners' or first timers, we will teach them the absolute basics including: correct foot and body position, then how to start and stop safely. Helping them build confidence while riding a skateboard takes time and commitment, and we're always here to offer a hand when they need it. Our female skate coaches are here to make that learning process as fun as possible! And at any given time, we try to have 2 of our accredited (Level 1) female skate coaches on site. Chicks On Wheels is fully insured, and has undergone mandatory child safety clearances.

"It's all about consistent board time - the more comfortable you get, the more confident you will become. Stay dedicated and the progression will come." says Vanessa aka "V", Creator of Adelaide based Lifestyle Brand - Chicks On Wheels.